The One Hundred Eighty-Second Meeting Friday, October 26, 2018 Interactive World, Interactive God


American Theological Society, Midwest

The One Hundred Eighty-Second Meeting

Friday, October 26, 2018

McCormick Theological Seminary

5460 S. University Avenue

Chicago, Illinois 60615



Today’s Theme: Interactive World, Interactive God

2:45 p.m.

Registration and Afternoon Refreshments, Common Room


3:15 p.m.

Afternoon Session, Common Room
Greetings from McCormick Theological Seminary, Dr. David Crawford, President, MTS

Panel Presentations

Basic Reality of Creative Interaction, Ms. Carol Albright, Visiting Professor of Religion and Science, LSTC
Ecological Interconnections and Interactions, Ms. Sandra Ham, Senior Statistician, U of C, and Independent Scholar
The Interactive Cosmos, Dr. Grace Wolf-Chase, Astronomer, Adler Planetarium
Notes Towards Understanding the Mystical Dimension, Dr. Mary Gerhart, Professor Emerita, Hobart & William Smith College
Evolution of Religion, Evolution of Science, Dr. Mladen Turk, Associate Professor of Religious Studies, Elmhurst College


Open Discussion with the Society


5:00 p.m.

Reception, Buchanan Lounge

5:30 p.m.

Dinner and Business Meeting, Buchanan Lounge


7:00 p.m.

Evening Session, Common Room

Honoring the Earth, Honoring God
Dr. Paul Heltne, President Emeritus, Chicago Academy of Sciences


Response: Response and More on Interaction

Dr. John Albright, Visiting Professor of Religion and Science, LSTC and Emeritus Professor of Physics at Purdue and FSU


Executive Committee

Jacqueline M. Braeger, President                                                  Mladen Turk, Vice President

Kristel Clayville, Member at-Large                                                Paul Parker, Secretary/Treasurer

To Attend

Professors and other scholars in the fields of religious studies are warmly invited to attend the ATS-Midwest semi-annual meetings, and if qualified to become members of the Society. As a guest, visitor or long-time member of the Society, please join your colleagues for a critical and cordial theological discussion.



To register for an ATS-M semi-annual meeting, please call, write or email Paul Parker and state your intentions by the medium most convenient to you: office phone (630) 617-3559;; or Department of Religious Studies–Box 26, Elmhurst College, 190 Prospect Ave., Elmhurst, IL 60126.


Because the host institutions of the Society’s semi-annual meetings provide significant support, there is no registration fee. Also, due to McCormick’s generosity, dinner and refreshments will cost only $25/person.


This Meeting

The Society is delighted to have some of the nation’s leading theologians and scientists bring their interdisciplinary scholarship to the Society for an open and critical discussion on the way the cosmos actually works and what this might mean for new ways to understand divine-human interaction. This meeting’s topic will focus on issues that may prove crucial to the future of the practice of religion, and that may allow scientists to observe and interpret reality in new ways that open greater understanding of the universe.


Statement of Purpose

The American Theological Society gathers as an intentionally collegial community of scholars who are engaged in the critical and creative examination of the depth and breadth of religion as it influences and is influenced by culture.



The American Theological Society (Midwest) has convened semi-annually since the early 1920’s to present and receive scholarly papers on crucial issues of religion and culture. The Society meets twice a year–on the last Friday of April and the last Friday of October–in greater Chicago at colleges, seminaries and universities. The Society has often reached beyond its members to invite international scholars and others from across the United States to present papers and to participate in its semi-annual meetings. At the same time, the Society calls attention to the work of members whose theological thinking about religious phenomena has shaped their lives and scholarship. The Society is a community of scholars who speak and listen to one another.



Annual membership dues are $20 for members and $10 for associate members to be paid to the Treasurer, Paul Parker, each year at the fall meeting—this meeting. And if you have not paid dues for the previous year, you may attend to the oversight at any meeting or at any time through the U.S. Postal Service. Please write your check to “ATS c/o Paul Parker.” Your attention to this is appreciated.


Location, Directions, and Parking

Maps and parking instructions are available at MTS’s website: